Please note that the deadline for submission on 01/09/2023, time 6pm GMT, and any application sent after this date will not be received.
Please complete the form or contact us and we will personally assess the details of your application.
send an email
For specialized newspapers, 2 journalists and 1 photographer will be accredited.
General newspapers will be able to benefit from accreditation for 1 journalist, and accreditation for 1 photographer.
With regard to the Weeklies and the magazine press, only one journalist per publication will be accredited to cover this match.
Only one journalist and one photographer will be accredited for this match.
Radios: a journalist and technician.
1- Have a valid 2023 professional press card.
2- mandatory representation of a press organization.
3-Return this form signed and stamped by the requesting Media Director before the date mentioned and any request sent after this deadline will be rejected.
Accreditation requests must be signed and stamped by the Director of each requesting media; and be accompanied by a copy of the press card of the National Press Council of the journalists or photographers to be accredited.
All requests are subject to confirmation. Those whose applications have been accepted will be notified and will receive additional information by email.